The Plant Tank

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata ("Cuba") and Limnophila hippuroides ("Gratiola")

  • pH: 6.9
  • Temp:
  • KH: 5.5
  • GH:
  • NH4:
  • NO2:
  • NO3: 5-10 before dose
  • PO4: 0.2 before dose
  • Iron:
  • Dosing:5 mL KNO3 (1.25 ppm), 20 mL KH2PO4 (0.8 ppm)


50% water change:
20 mL Amquel+
2.5 tsp baking soda
6 tsp Equilibrium

I pruned the Rotala indica and the stargrass, and traded it in to a LFS for credit. I bought some Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata ("Cuba") and Limnophila hippuroides ("Gratiola").

The stargrass has really benefitted from adding the nitrates/phosphates/iron/potassium, growing leaves that are double in size from when I originally received it. It seems that the stargrass needs a lot of potassium (>30 ppm per week) in order to prevent black patches from appearing on the leaves.


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