The Plant Tank

Monday, July 17, 2006

More shrimp sightings

  • pH:
  • Temp:
  • KH:
  • GH:
  • NH4:
  • NO2:
  • NO3:
  • PO4:
  • Iron:
  • Dosing: 10 mL Flourish, 0.25 ppm iron chelate, 25 mL Melafix, 25 mL Excel
  • NO3:PO4 Cumulative Dosing Ratio:

3 shrimps sighted today, the most at any one time. They all look male. For some reason, they seemed pretty active today.

That Excel really is a miracle, almost all the algae is gone from the tank, except for some tough mowed down black staghorn remnants on the anubias and reineckii leaves. The 5x Excel overdose doesn't seem to be harming whatever shrimp I can see. The algae disappearance has reached the point where I'm actually worried over whether the algae eating fish and shrimp will have enough to eat, something I never thought I'd have to worry about!

Last week, I had drained the water before wiping off the green dust algae from the tank to see if that helped reduce the algae population. The green dust grew back on the tank walls at the same rate as just wiping it off under water, so it made no difference.


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