The Plant Tank

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Lots of nitrates being used

  • pH:
  • Temp:
  • KH:
  • GH:
  • NH4:
  • NO2:
  • NO3: 1
  • PO4: 2
  • Iron:
  • Dosing: 5 mL Flourish, 20 mL Excel, 15 ppm NO3, 1.2 ppm PO4
  • NO3:PO4 Cumulative Dosing Ratio:

Over the past week, I've been putting in a surprising amount of nitrates (at least 30 more ppm before tonight, after the initial water change dosage). I don't know why they're being used up so fast. Even the phosphates has been used up at a fast rate (added about 3 ppm). It also seems that reducing the dosage of Flourish from 10 ml to 5 ml daily doesn't seem to make any difference.

The last of the harlequin rasboras died today from that same sickness that has plagued all the rest of the rasboras.


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