Tweaking amounts of K/Ca/Mg
- pH:
- Temp:
- KH:
- GH:
- NH4:
- NO2:
- NO3: 5-10 (before dose)
- PO4: 0.1 (before dose)
- Iron:
- Dosing: 5 mL Flourish, 0.5 ppm iron chelate, 2.5 ppm KNO3, 1.6 ppm KH2PO4
- NO3:PO4 Cumulative Dosing Ratio: 10:1.7 = 5.9
I received my order of Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfate, and Potassium Sulfate, and am tweaking the ratio of Ca/Mg/K from what is given by Equilibrium so that I am targeting dosing 15 ppm potassium, and a GH of 8 with a Ca/Mg ratio of approx 3.35.
Very roughly, for 50 gallons of water, about 0.5 tsp MgSO4 and 1 tsp CaCl2 will result in an increase of 1 dGH, or at least I hope I calculated correctly. I will measure tomorrow to check. See Solution Recipe Reference for how I calculated these amounts. Since I don't want to waste the Equilibrium I already have, I mixed the Equilibrium and chemical dosing to reach the desired target levels.
50% water change:
25 mL Amquel+
3 tsp Equilibrium
2 tsp CaCl2
1 tsp MgSO4
2.5 tsp baking soda
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