Tank observations
- pH:
- Temp:
- KH:
- GH:
- NH4:
- NO2:
- NO3:
- PO4:
- Iron:
- Dosing: 25 mL Excel, 1.5 tsp MgSO4, 3 tsp CaSO4, 1 tsp CaCl2
- NO3:PO4 Cumulative Dosing Ratio: 15:1.8 = 8.3
50% water change:
25 mL Amquel+
25 mL Excel
2.5 tsp baking soda
1.5 tsp MgSO4
3 tsp CaSO4
1 tsp CaCl2
I increased the MgSO4 dosing a quarter teaspoon (+0.7 ppm) this week, since I could still see a little bit of yellowing in the lower leaves of the L. repens. I also substituted 1 tsp of CaCl2 for CaSO4 to see if the mix would show better improvement. The R. indica looks better, but there is still some stunting of some of the stems.
The stargrass is growing in dense and lush. The dwarf hairgrass is doing well, too. With the reduction in Excel, it seems, the yellowing of the grass has gone away, and the grass blades are growing in very long, at least 50% longer than before.
There is still green dust/spot algae growing on the slower growing plants, which I am guessing is due to the extra fish/food waste coming from the 80-90 or so fry in the tank.
After completely weaning them off the brine shrimp for the past week, I also released the 4 juvenile angelfish into the main tank. I put half of the fry into the breeding cage vacated by the juveniles.
For some reason, some of the green eye rasboras are missing (I could only see 12 instead of 15), but I don't see their bodies anywhere. I also haven't seen the anorexic SAE for the past couple weeks, though the fat SAE is out and about.
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