Cleaning tank after 4 weeks
- pH:
- Temp:
- KH:
- GH:
- NH4:
- NO2:
- NO3:
- PO4: off scale
- Iron:
- Dosing:
- NO3:PO4 Cumulative Dosing Ratio:
After 4 weeks of letting the tank sit undisturbed to see if I can get rid of the green dust algae on the tank walls, I cleaned out the tank, trimmed a month's worth of plant growth, and changed out 50% of the water:
2.5 tsp baking soda
2 tsp CaCl2
1 slightly heaping tsp MgSO4
40 ml Excel
NO phosphates
1 tsp KNO3
15 ml Amquel+
I didn't add any phosphates, since there seemed to be plenty of phosphates. We'll see if the green dust algae returns...
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