The Plant Tank

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Green water clearing up!

  • pH: 6.8
  • Temp:
  • KH: 5
  • GH:
  • NH4:
  • NO2:
  • NO3:
  • PO4: 0.75 ppm
  • Iron:
  • Dosing: 5 mL Flourish, 5 mL iron chelate (0.5 ppm), 15 mL KH2PO4 (0.6 ppm)
  • NO3:PO4 Cumulative Dosing Ratio: 10:1.6 = 6.25

The poor gourami died today, from the high CO2 levels. It seems that the larger bodied fishes are more sensitive to high levels of CO2.

On the other hand, the green water has surprisingly cleared up about 85% (second day so far). I'm not sure what was the trick that did it, but just to recap, here are all the steps I took:
  • Increased the nitrate (10-20 ppm) and phosphate levels (1 ppm) and maintained them consistently. I basically tested every night to make sure the levels did not fall too much, and dosed at night.
  • Increased the CO2 levels. I had it originally at 19-24 ppm, increased it temporarily to 24-30 ppm, though now it's back at approx. 24 ppm. I might try to up it again to 30 ppm, depending how the tank looks this week and keep a close eye on the fish.
  • Increased the flow rate of the AquaClear filter from the usual min rate to the max rate.
  • At the next weekly water change (ie after several days of doing the above steps), did the usual 50% water change, but this time aggressively vacuumed the gravel to suck out as much of the detritus and mulm as possible.
And voila, clear water! And this was after 2-3 weeks of green water. It's still too early to say whether the green water is really gone, but things look good so far...

I noticed that if I don't dose the Flourish and iron chelate, the water will remain clear all day. Otherwise, it will cloud up slightly as the day progresses (thus the 85%).

Also, another good effect of running the air pump at night is that the next day, there's no "surface scum" film on the water, meaning I don't have to run my Eheim surface suction extractor.


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