The Plant Tank

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Fish fry spotted

  • pH:
  • Temp:
  • KH:
  • GH:
  • NH4:
  • NO2:
  • NO3:
  • PO4:
  • Iron:
  • Dosing: 5 mL Flourish, 25 mL Excel, 5 mL iron chelate
  • NO3:PO4 Cumulative Dosing Ratio:

Over half of the angelfish eggs are now white, and some of them have fungus growing on them. I'm still hoping that some of them will hatch tomorrow, though.

I saw something shiny resting on an anubias leaf. It was 2 to 3 mm long, and looked like it had eyes and a tail. It darted away when I brought the leaf for closer inspection. It was some sort of fish fry! My guess is that it may have been a danio fry, though it was much too small to tell. I was surprised that it has actually survived this long.

As I noted earlier, pearling is still decreased since the water change as compared to previous weeks. I also started adding some iron chelate again today, since some of the glosso and java fern were looking pretty pale. Even a little of the hairgrass was turning yellow. I'm not positive that it's due to the lack of iron, though.


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